Are you holding yourself back from starting your own business because of the skeptical comments from other people? It’s time to block out the noise, and focus on your vision, like Hannah did. As tempting as it was to water down her desire to start her own biz, Hannah stayed true to herself, and stuck the course in opening her own salon. Today, Hannah proudly owns her dream business in Sacramento, CA called Oak & Cove Salon. She chats with us about being a thriving biz owner: when she knew it was time to pivot her career, how she overcame her biggest challenges, and why it’s important to stay true to your dream business idea.
1. How did you get started in your industry? What led to your passion for your career?
I went to beauty school when I was 18 years old! I had no idea if I would stay in this industry but I knew I wanted to do something creative. Something magical happened shortly after I graduated, our industry started to level up! I became so excited to be a part of this wonderful Beauty community! People started to take our industry seriously and so many more luxury services started to become available! I’ve been hooked since day 1!
2. What were some of the bigger challenges you experienced in getting started?
Oh boy… this is a loaded question! I have been doing hair for 12 years now. The first six years I made no money and did it all for the love of the art! About six years ago I realized I needed to make a change and started doing more business training. That’s when my personal career really started to blow up! By 2021 I knew I needed to level up and expand my salon. Focusing on growing the business and doing what’s best for the business and not focusing on other peoples influence around me has been one of my biggest challenges! Staying in your own lane and focusing on what your dream and your vision is and not worrying about what anyone else thinks has been a key element for me to learn!
3. How has your life changed now that you’re pursuing your passion and living your dream?
I feel like my life has changed in every aspect! I went from being a young scared 18-year-old who thought she would be making $30,000 a year doing root touch ups and taking care of kids the rest of the time to becoming a business owner of my dream salon! I get to do what I love every single day and I get to make all of the decisions on what I want to do behind the chair. I never knew there was such freedom in pursuing my dream! I have the power to decide how my days go and it’s such an empowering feeling!
4. What’s your favorite part about owning your own business/your career?
My favorite thing thus far has been being able to create something I haven’t seen in my area! I’ve been able to build a salon based solely around hair extensions and luxury color. I almost chickened out so many times and watered down my specific dream- but I am so happy I stuck the course and didn’t settle!
5. What does supporting women-owned businesses look like to you?
Community over competition baby! I am a firm believer that lifting up your community will get you so much further than trying to claw your way to the top! Supporting other women owned businesses instead of trying to compete with them is key!
6. How has your brand/packaging/website changed or improved your business?
I use my branding package for absolutely everything! I customize anything I can think of using my branding! It has really set the tone for my business. I have created everything else around the branding work that was done! It is luxurious and perfect for my business!
You can find Hannah on Instagram at @oakandcovesalon. Check out her website here.
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