Figuring out pricing and exactly how much you should charge may feel like complete guesswork at times. Maybe you’re worried that if you charge too much, potential clients won’t want to work with you. Or if you charge too little, you’ll be overworked and underpaid. Keep reading to learn our top tips for pricing your services based on strategy (no guesswork involved) so you can stay booked, optimize profit, and reach your financial goals.
First things first, know your audience! – Who are you designing for? How long have they been in business? Do they want a done with you or done FOR you service (where things are taken completely off of their plate)? Are they financially established and ready for a big investment/handing over creative control? Or are they just starting out and need something budget-friendly (maybe a templated version of your offer)? Aligning your offers to what your target audience is looking for will help make your offers irresistible to those clients.
Next, consider the VALUE you bring to the table. – Of course, you can slap a price tag on your project based on the number of hours you've clocked in. The truth is, if you’re using hourly rates in the design industry, you’re limiting your financial growth. But here's the real kicker – it's not just about the time you put in; it's about the value you bring to the table. Have you helped previous clients boost their sales, elevate their brand, or save hours and hours they would have spent fumbling around on Canva? Don't be afraid to set your rates at a price point that reflects the value you bring to your client's business.
Consider your GOALS! – What are you trying to achieve with your design business? How many projects do you want to take on each month? How much would you like to pay yourself? What are your overhead costs? What are your financial goals and time freedom goals? Your rates should be helping you achieve these goals instead of holding you back from reaching them.
Looking for more looking for a step-by-step plan to growing a profitable design business?
Inside of our course Dream Big Designer, we’ll show you how to charge top-dollar for your services and move you from overwhelmed freelancer to CEO designer. PS - you even get access to our rates calculator that’ll help you price your projects for profit in 30 seconds!
