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Join the live workshop, Friday September 17th

Free LIVE masterclass at 12 pm PST

free brand and web design masterclass course for designers looking to raise their rates, book luxury clients, and scale their business with passive income.

What you'll learn...

1. What's holding you back from financial success and scaling (and what to avoid)

2. How to price your services in order to reach your long term financial and lifestyle goals

3. How raising your rates will scale your business to the high-ticket level

4. Q&A where I'll answer your questions about becoming a high ticket designer

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Check back for new masterclasses in the future. In the meantime, check out the rest of our free resources here:

free brand and web design masterclass course for designers looking to raise their rates, book luxury clients, and scale their business with passive income.

Wish you could charge what you want for design projects?

Where you'd have enough $$ to invest back in your business, take on LESS projects, and only work with clients that respect you?


You're in the right place.

Meet your teacher

Hey friend, I'm Meredith, CEO and Creative Director at Quixotic Design Co with over 8 years of design experience. I took a studio apartment side hustle and transformed it into a high ticket design biz with over $30K months in just 2 years, and now I'm here to show you how to do the same.


In this masterclass, you'll learn the keys to building a sustainable business at the high ticket level, so you can expand your team, invest back into your biz, and live a lifestyle full of travel, quality time with family, and fulfillment. 

Learn the graphic design fundamentals of running a design business. In this free masterclass, we’ll cover how to raise your rates, book luxury clients, and scale your business with passive income.

Watch the free masterclass instantly!

Learn how to raise your rates to the luxury level, book high ticket, high budget clients, and scale your design business with our FREE masterclass with Meredith Cancilla, brand + web design expert and founder of Quixotic Design Co.

Become a high ticket designer

Learn how to raise your rates to the luxury level, book high ticket clients, and scale your business with our FREE masterclass with Meredith Cancilla, brand + web design expert.

A FREE masterclass for designers

free brand and web design masterclass course for designers looking to raise their rates, book luxury clients, and scale their business with passive income.

This is for you if...

  • You’re not making the $$ you want from your existing client projects, but you don’t feel “good enough” to charge more

  • You don’t have enough hours in a day to tackle your to-do list, and suffer from “this will be faster if I just do it myself” syndrome

  • You are so ready to finally stop feeling like an imposter and start playing in the big leagues

Get to know us

Let's take your biz to the high ticket level

Raise your rates

Learn key factors in raising your rates in order to make more $$ (hint: it's not about more deliverables!)

Book luxury clients

Say no to pushy, low-balling clients and yes to clients that respect you and your expertise as a designer.

Scale your biz

Increase your lifetime earning potential and invest back into your business.

Learn the graphic design fundamentals of running a design business. In this free masterclass, we’ll cover how to raise your rates, book luxury clients, and scale your business with passive income.

It's time to scale your design biz to new heights

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